Thursday 13 February 2014

Have you met.... me?

This is my first blogging experience and i don't know what to blog about. So my first post is gonna be a little bit on myself :33 Let's get this shit over with...

I'm a male(last I checked) student currently studying in International Medical University. Meet the people I'm unfortunately stuck with for quite awhile(Just kidding I love you people):

...and we one big faggot-like family :33(pic missing Goh, Jess, Ashley, Leon)

 I'm 19 years old.. but have mindset of a 5 year old. I hate taking things too seriously, but i do get serious when needed....sometimes.....close to never.. :X.. carrying on...

I play a lot of sports :3 mainly futsal, basketball and tennis but i always like finding new games to try out :) I'm a fast learner... I'm like the Jack of all trades......... if jack had down syndrome..

I have like 7 older siblings... 6 brothers and 1 sister.. I'm obviously the 'better in everything' youngest child.. just kidding.. I'm like the black donkey of the family(I would say sheep but donkeys are cuter)...but I'm probably the most loud among ma siblings..:3

Arent they adorable?? :3 (Retard-looking thing..)

I'm that type that likes entertaining people.. and making them laugh.. i don't know why... but it's kinda nice to see them laughing with me or at me... it doesn't really matter it feels nice to put a smile on someone's face :3 but sometimes my jokes aren't funny.. and i have do the awkward laugh to myself..soooo.. yeahhh.... screw yoouu people.. I'm funny..

I'm actually quite shy at times, albeit being the loudest among most of my friends(which i don't have much)... I'm even more shy towards girls because I'm from an all boy school during my high school days..I also have the tendency to make male genital jokes.. thus being named nicknames such as Benedick or Penison.(Dont fail me :O)

Normally when things get hard(That's what she said), I normally help myself to some music to cheer me up..
I have a really open taste in music.. except for that Justin Bieber crap but that's just my opinion(your opinion is crap tho).. Some of my favourite songs are:-

i) U2- With or Without You.
ii)Dashboard Confessional- Stolen
iii)Coldplay- The Scientist
iv)Meatsp... I mean.. Lorde- Team
v)And many other crappy music

BTW...Lorde looks possessed in her live performances..

Just sayin...

That's pretty much all i can think off :/ I would like to share more but there is nothing left interesting bout me.. not that the info i gave is interesting at all...butt... yeah thanks for reading ma post :DD (the 'butt' was intended) *giggles* :3

Here is a cute cat video because i have to include a video: